When selling payments, are you in it for the long game, or are you pursuing a quick hit? When looking at B2B payments and cash discounting, one market has staying power and lasting impact. (Spoiler alert: it’s B2B)
The market opportunity in B2B is simply untouchable. With vast distribution networks, supply chains, and selling upstream, ISOs and PayTrace sales partners have a veritable gold mine of opportunity in the B2B landscape.
It all comes down to pricing strategy.
Michael Cannon, PayTrace National Sales Executive, joins us to talk about sticking with B2B for the long game. He’s on a mission to challenge the status quo when selling payments and align your sales efforts to be more solution-focused, sustainable, and to escape the “race to zero”.
Webinar info:
Wednesday, June 1
10 AM Pacific
Here’s what to expect:
- Comparing retail to B2B, with lessons from the pandemic
- Tips on which industries and tactics work best with B2B merchants
- Resources to help your B2B sales efforts thrive
- How to price merchants on value
The PayTrace Power30 webinar series is your secret sauce to growing your B2B portfolio. Our 30-minute LIVE broadcasts will ignite your passion for growing your portfolio with insights from gurus throughout PayTrace.