Our new president, Greg Castro, shares PayTrace’s next step in its journey of becoming the leader in technology and all things payments. We’ve led the field in B2B payments for the past 18 years, and by partnering with North American Bancard, we’re gaining momentum on our journey to be your best B2B full-service payments hub.
Join us Wednesday, Nov. 9 at 10 AM Pacific to meet Greg and learn firsthand how we’re transforming the future of B2B payments at PayTrace. Castro brings over 25 years of experience in the payments industry and comes to PayTrace from EVO Payments, where he led the B2B division, and worked with ISV and VAR channels at Mercury Payments. This webinar is for PayTrace sales partners, merchants and ISV solutions.
Webinar info:
Wednesday, Nov. 9
10 AM Pacific | 1 PM Eastern
Time frame: 30-45 mins
Expect to learn:
- What we’ve been up to this year
- Where PayTrace is headed
- Why sales partners still matter
- How we’re adding processing capabilities
- What you can expect from PayTrace in the future
The PayTrace Power30 webinar series is your secret sauce to growing your B2B portfolio. Our 30-minute LIVE broadcasts will ignite your passion for growing your portfolio with insights from gurus throughout PayTrace and the payments industry.